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Главная » 2007 » Октябрь » 14 » Lock My PC v4.5.1.671
Lock My PC v4.5.1.671

Lock My PC - Благодаря этой программе вы сможете полностью защитить свою рабочую или домашнюю машину от внешнего вторжения - для этого достаточно лишь установить Lock My PC и произвести минимум настроек, а точнее, всего лишь указать пароль для разблокировки компьютера. Программа во время работы находится в системном трее и почти не занимает места на рабочем столе и в памяти. Lock My PC™ is an easy in use, powerful and compact tool to lock your computer from unauthorized use. When you leave your computer unattended, the program disables the hot keys (including Ctrl+Alt+Del), mouse, locks CD/DVD ROM doors and displays a lock screen. Nobody can access your system without providing the correct unlock password.

Features and benefits:
- Quick and safe computer lock by hot key, or mouse click
- Autolock when computer is idle
- Correct Ctrl+Alt+Del lock
- Bulletproof startup lock (couldn't be bypassed in safe mode)
- Different installation mode - setup for home or corporate use
- CD/DVD-ROM doors lock
- Multi-user support
- Multimonitor support
- Auto turnoff when computer is locked for a long time
- Blind password option
- Stealth mode
- Windows XP x64 compatibility
- Custom lock screens
- Cycling lock screen images
- Screen saving effects
- Lock screen transparency - you can view movies under the locked screen
- Password protected settings, quit and uninstall
- Command line options
- and many more

Another benefits of Lock My PC in comare with Windows lock feature:
- Custom lock screens and transparent lock screen options - your computer can be used as a presentation machine - the screen displays pictures or video, but nobody can touch your computer;
- Secure Lock before Windows welcome/logon screen;
- Displaying unsuccesfull unlock attempts - you will be notified if anyone tried to unlock your computer;
- If Lock My PC is used in muilti-user mode, a supervisor can unlock the computer without closing user session;
- You can lock CD/DVD ROM doors along with the desktop, keyboard and mouse - this can prevent CD media from being stolen while you are out;
- Command line support allows you to use Lock My PC in Internet kiosks.

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Размер: 1.53 MB

Lock My PC v4.5.1.671
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